Sunday, July 31, 2011

Grace 2 Be ..... Its Your Journey!

I have been an 'official' believer in Jesus Christ since I was 12 years old and prayed a prayer in an AOG Sunday school class room.

In all honesty, my first persecution of being a believer was when I incurred punishment from my father for literally 'standing on the Word' ... I was maybe 3 years old! My dad was appalled that I, a mere 3 year old, would be so highly DISRESPECTFUL of the Bible... so, he 'tanned my hide' a good one, place the Bible up on the highest shelf in the closet and ordered me to never again 'touch it'.

The next morning, as my father sat reading the morning paper and drinking his coffee in the kitchen, he heard me having a conversation with myself in front of the mirror attached to a door in the hallway. He recounted to me, that he peeked around the corner to see 'me' having a conversation with my reflection that went something like this:

"Daddy told you not to touch that book!" "I know he did but I'm gonna touch that book!" ... "Oh no your not!" ... "Oh yes I am!" And after a few back and forth conversations with my reflection, I determined I was going to 'touch that book' knowing full well that I was directed NOT too and that I would be setting myself up for further punishment, meaning another harsh spanking.

Well... I won and found a chair to my father's delight, and pushed it to the closet and under the shelf where I promptly climbed up and smugly with pleasure, TOUCHED the forbidden book and announced accordingly to MYSELF that" "There, I touched it."

All a matter of principle I am certain. I defied my earthly father in a big way but I believe that my Heavenly Father and my true Creator was quite thrilled with my determination and rebellion to earthly rule in favor of a more spiritual principle.

I am certain the God my Heavenly Father would NEVER mind me standing on the word.. and I do recall in later years, singing a song about "Standing on the promises of God" which is what that whole book represents.

Needless to say, my earthly father did not punish me for my defiance but rather, laughed quietly at his daughters determined need to defy him in sheer rebellion.

Ironically, my parents felt that it was not important to instill any type of spiritual beliefs in me. My mother's mother, who was my caregiver, read me the Bible and I remember growing up with this old book of bible stories in black and white pictures... NOTHING of which any parent would read to their 3 year old today.

A neighbor lady offered to take me to the Lutheran Sunday school and vacation bible school when I was 3-5. I think I always knew in my heart that God was real and I knew that NOTHING would stop me from 'standing on his Word' if I was so inclined.

Fast forward to today. I am more certain than ever that God is real, that He sent Jesus as His personal representative, into this world to live as one of us so he could honor His Father with obedience and stand in our stead, taking all our 'sins' and ugly behaviors upon Himself in order to give up his life & shed his blood so that the permanent sacrifice would be made on our behalf. What we deserved in the way of punishment, He willingly took upon Himself so that "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

It is truly difficult to understand from a human perspective which is why 'spiritual things are spiritually discerned'. The revelation & enlightenment must come from the Originator of Creation producing the 'ah-ha' moment of understanding.

Religion has done nothing for me except put me into bondage to trying to 'do good & be good' ... and no matter how hard I tried to do and be good, I failed. I couldn't perform well enough to save my own life... so, I quit.

I quit performing and trying to be good and do good. I decided to just accept the fact that Jesus did something for me that needed to be done and IT WAS ENOUGH! He is the One who initiated all that I needed, which was HIM.

While I greatly desire to please Him because I love Him... I know that my own flesh falls short so often. I can't work enough to please Him, so my only option is now to rely upon GRACE to be.

Grace is unmerited favor. Grace means I got Jesus when I, in myself, did NOTHING to deserve Him. Mercy was extended to me that sent the message: PARDONED ... because I want to stand in your place and have justice enacted upon ME, Jesus.

How I pray that people who read this will understand by the Spirit of Truth that Jesus Who is Truth, loves you right where you are, exactly how you are, for who you are with no judgment, accusation or condemnation!

He just loves without strings... without requiring anything from you except that you BELIEVE in Him and know "HE has you covered" by His holy blood and all the wrong you've done, did today and will do tomorrow... is washed away by the power that is in the blood He shed on the cross of Calvary.

Father, I pray that for whomever finds this and reads this, that Your Spirit will open their eyes and their ears to see and hear Your Voice. I pray that YOUR Kingdom come and YOUR will be done in this life, upon this earth, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. I pray that you baptize them in Your LOVE: the pure, holy, unconditional, overwhelming LOVE OF GOD shed abroad in their heart now by Christ Jesus. Cause Jesus to become fully alive and real to them in this moment. Send angels to minister to them, deliver them from all sin, addictions, bondage, fear, rebellion & release in them Your Life. I pray for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation of Jesus Christ & a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Thank you.

Jesus loves us beyond any love we have ever known. He is FOR US and grants us GRACE to BE .... its YOUR journey with Jesus. Enjoy!

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