Saturday, December 31, 2016

NEW ...... all things ..... NOW

Today is December 31st ..... my favorite and most symbolic day of my year! 

This is a day where the whole world in which I live adheres to a holiday celebration and poignant demarcation that what is old  is forcefully overcome by what is NEW .....

This manages to provide me, as well as millions of other people great HOPE .....  for truly,  the old year is passing away so a new year can come forth ..... presenting with it, the opportunity and possibility that  *A N Y - T H I N G*  could, once again, become possible .....

We must simply bid farewell to the negative past with a melodic rendition of  "Auld Lang Syne" as the *S H I F T* commences ....

This day, was the last day of the year 2*0*1*6 and I am still coming into each now moment of 31 December 10`6 .... A new today will burst forth on the scene as the ultimate RE-SET;  it hearlds potential, possibility, and profitability .....  that every new day dawning here-after will be a brand new opportunity to start again with a fresh, clean slate  .....

And yet, as I type these words of truth, I am confronted by a dissonance within me that forcefully challenges me to deny that this IS truth .....

My early-years inner core programming is attempting to tell me that this idea of 'new beginnings'  is a lie;  and that I will be forever bound to making the same mistakes of my past; forced to carry the weight of every failure; without hope, without release, and without redemption!

Can't you somehow identify with that sentiment?

Obviously, in order to begin anything anew, something else must end ..... else we simply continue the pattern of dysfunction ....

and this is my truest dilemna .....

*T H E * E N D*

So ..... here I am awaiting the proverbial "glass ball to drop" signifying the launch and catapult forward in to the new year, with a new day, and a new beginning ..... this year, I plan on RE-playing New Years Day over and over and over ..... just like Ground Hog Day RE-peated over and over in the movie "What About Bob"  until he learned all the lessons he was meant to learn and became the truest, most authentic genuine self he could become ..... [a great movie if you haven't seen it!!]

I choose to live as NOW present as I possibly can .... choosing to love myself *AS* I am, *HOW* I am, *WHERE* I am, for *WHO* I am now ....

I choose to forgive myself and other people who fail, fall-short, and miss the mark of LOVE, the most excellent way  .... as quickly and as mercifully as I want and desire my Creator to forgive me ....

2 * 0 * 1 * 7  .... comes one moment at a time and my desire is to stay awake, aware, and cognizant in that *NOW* present moment every moment that I can .....

Here's to *B E I N G * T H E  * C H A N G E* and making this new year and every subsequent day of this year: THE BEST!



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