Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year ...... One Day at a Time ....

As 2016 began to fade into the transition phase of 2017 .... I began to reflect over the past year at the challenges that were presented.....

I don't know about you, but the past 365 days were really tough, to say the least; and quite heart-breaking to say the most ..... The most painful issues involved relationships with other people ..... people we believed we were called to do community with, people that were part of our family, people who were long-time friends and new friends ..... it was a year of great growth in unlikely ways .....

Today is a significant day dedicated to 'starting over' and 'new beginnings' ..... I have chosen to relinquish everything from the past in order to walk into this year, with a clean slate and an empty pack.  I have hit the 

All things new ..... I am awakened this morning being reminded by Spirit, that my remedy is to accept forgiveness for my part in falling short and missing the mark of LOVE, the most excellent way .....

Reminding myself that there BUT FOR the grace of my Creator, will I or any one else on this globe, go forth, walk out, and walk through into what is new .....

Consider .......

Creator offers us ample opportunities to start over in each moment, every hour, and daily ..... Yet how many of us will 'fixate' on the past and wallow around in the cesspool of regret leading to self-punishment ?

Today ..... things must *S H I F T* and change must come to you and for you .....  but it most definitely will require a choice on your part .....

Consider encountering a Power greater than yourself ..... consider questioning all the beliefs you have ever believed ..... consider being transformed by renewing your mind ..... consider confronting the self-loathing and self-hatred you hold for yourself  you deny ..... is present ..... consider learning and choosing to love yourself .... consider the courage it takes to even contemplate loving yourself and ....

release .... release ..... release ..... release ..... release ..... release .....




*H A P P Y * N E W * L I F E*

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