Monday, February 24, 2020

New Beginnings

I believe we have entered into a "new era" ..... it is a season of forgetting the former things of old because Creator is doing a "new thing" 

No longer is it business as usual .... 
no longer will the things that worked in the former days, years, and decades continue to work in this new day .... just like old wineskins cannot hold the "new wine" ... 

The vast majority of  old wineskins have become too rigid, dry, wrinkled, weak, and brittle ... having lost their ability to be supple, pliable, able to stretch, improvise, and adapt as is necessary ..... 

So pouring in new wine, which is so crisp, fresh, potent, and teaming with effervescent life ..... will, in most all instances, overly challenge and compromise an old wineskin to the degree that it proves itself incapable of being adequate to hold and to store ... therefore the destruction that ensues is  such that the new wine explodes and bursts forth causing precious wine to be wasted ....


Its time to "Let Go" and add a " D "

People struggle with the concept of "letting go"
because fear 
has been programmed into every single one of us and  through our D N A since Adam ....
it has a strangle hold upon us
and in such a way that we can't even recognize that it is  F E A R .......

I am two months into 2020 and my vision is enlarging and expanding ....
What about your's .....

Time to re-activate A.L.L. things possible

I most definitely BElieve 

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