Saturday, January 7, 2017

Why "Now" ?

One of the most astounding revelations I had when I began my recovery journey, was reading a book written by Eckhart Tolle called "The Power of Now".

I had never before thought about living in the now present moment such the way he described.  In fact, until I read his book and was really confronted with the premise of living fully present in the moment that you are in, I had no clue that I was NOT doing that.

After reading that book, I suddenly realized that I was never living the NOW but was mostly living in the past or in the future .... I began to understand most of my thinking was in the past, re-living the memories of the past as if they were present ..... or livin in the future, full of fear and anxiety as I contemplated "what would I do if ..... happened"!

Seldom was I able, but for a few minutes maybe, to live completely in the current NOW moment!

I had to come to terms with the truth that I have wasted much of my life by not being present ....

I was always stuck re-living past trauma drama ..... or trying to second-guess the future to avoid any additional trauma drama. When I 'woke up' to the only truth there is ..... that NOW is all I have been given, de-programming was a struggle.

Becoming awake and aware, not meant that I was responsibile to change what always had been for what needed to be. To say being NOW present is easy, is not true ..... it IS worth it, but it is not easy. Yet I began to understand that, to be empowered to live my best life, then I needed to do all that I could to learn and then choose to stay in the present moment. 

Really ......

Consider contemplating and meditating on what it may mean to become present in the now ..... to feel everything now .... to smell the smells; to taste the tastes; to hear the sounds around you; to touch what is; and to see what is before and around you .....

If you would like to try a video on mindfulness and being present in the now, click here .... simply follow along with the video and see what it feels like for you.

If you've never experienced being NOW present, the world changes dramatically when you do. Yet it takes practice to master, because our programming goes so deep.  It is worth the effort, that is for sure.  

*L e t s * d o * t h i s * * * * S h a l l * w e*

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