Sunday, May 18, 2014

In my 'sacred place' I am privileged to sit in some of the most spectacularly beautiful nature ... the smells are alive, the air is fresh and clean, the view is breath-taking, I hear the singing of many birds as the wind kisses my cheeks with intimate love .....

I sit upon my rock and cross my legs and position myself to BE present in my moment where sacred divine and sacred human meet and are One in a way most probably cannot comprehend ...

I hear the still, small voice of my Creator validating, affirming, and celebrating me within my 'jar of clay' ... I hear intimately delicious secrets whispered deep within my soul from the Source of truest Love, which is the most excellent way ... I giggle with childhood glee and inner joy that I am loved so beyond comprehension as I AM ...

In this place of absolute serenity and abandonment of all that is of this realm and dimension, I find my truest, authentic and genuine ME ... I am open and laid bare, not wishing to disguise myself with cloaks of insecurity and shame ... fully open to knowing that HERE and NOW, My Creator became personally Human in the jar of clay known as Yeshua ...

And this Divine Human demonstrated personally the innately revealing express Image of our Creator Papa God ... who became LIKE us because He wanted us to know we are LIKE HIM in all realms and dimensions of being... we are humbly elevated Beings who are co-laborers, co-reigners, co-creators, and co-heirs together with Christ, the sum of ALL spiritual things - seen and unseen, visible and invisible ...

In HIM we each live, move, and have our Being and He holds us together by His Word in which He spoke LET IT BE ... and IT WAS; we were, we are, we will always BE and ever so delicately formed and fashioned together in our mother's wombs to emerge our divinely inspired, brilliantly enabled, amazingly perfectly IMPERFECT you .... and me, in whom resides ALL of His eternal, immortal, never-ending Kingdom come and will be done just as it IS in heaven ....

To sit in this place of sacred Being ... to feel the sun warm me from head to toe; to be nurtured and wrapped in an invisible Presence Who is Creator Papa God .... is intensely indescribable with earthly words ...

I wish and hope above all things that you each will be blessed with the honor and privilege to enter in to your own sacred place of Being with the One whom your heart is wired to love so intimately ... because within THIS place, you will find that you are loved beyond your deepest hopes and wildest dreams ... in THIS place you will know exactly Who you are and why you are here ... in THIS place, there is no fear for this is Perfect Love which casts OUT ALL fear, which is the greatest LIE to detract from Being...

And in this place of utmost profound Being, you will come to know that in HIM you live, and move, and have your Being such as you could never know elsewhere ... while being in a sacred place facilitates the experience of such wonderful Being, you can find this place anywhere, and any time if you will only consider the possibility and probability that THIS exists...

In THIS place you are loved so you become love and from THIS place of Being and Becoming authentically, divinely YOU ... you go forth changed in the deep calling out to deep within the roar of your waterfalls and all of His waves washing over you ...

I DARE you to desire to enter in to this place of eternal otherly reality ... for just because you choose not to believe does not negate the factual truth that THIS place of Being exists ... it is your believing that opens the door to possibility or closes and nails it shut .... please, oh please do not nail it shut ......

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Gratitude: To Infinity and Beyond

Gratitude: This morning I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the journey I have been on, and all the amazing [and not so amazing] people that have been part of teaching me lessons ... it is said that, "when you are ready, the Teacher comes" ....

I am so grateful that the heart-break of love gone wrong has not embittered me and tainted my belief in the possibility of true love being real and probable ...

I am so grateful to have learned that everything that pertains to life and godliness resides WITHIN me [and you] and that learning to truly love myself equates to having the capacity to truly love others more than I ever knew was imaginable ... but in a very healthy, functional way.

I am so grateful for the lessons on forgiveness. Knowing that no matter what someone does TO you it is always working FOR you to benefit your life and future ....

I am grateful to be learning that I can change the world by simply changing myself: changing how I believe, changes how I will think, how I will feel, and how I will act ... and more so, it will vibrate as a frequency and resonate outward on to others ....

I am grateful that LOVE IS the most excellent way .... and teaching people to learn to love themselves is an imperative for only then can they become authentic, truly genuine and deeply love others AS they love themselves

This morning I am so beyond grateful for each and every person whoha s ever graced my life with their amazing presence, granting me incredible lessons, and providing me opportunities to learn to choose LOVE vs. fear ... with each passing day I am learning to LOVE, the most excellent way and to cast out fear and its tormenting presence ...

I am grateful to infinity and beyond, most definitely

Are you?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

I teach people how to treat me ...

I teach people how to treat me ... and,  what i allow continues ...

Learning to truly love, accept, and forgive myself was key to ending the dysfunctional insanity self-hating and toxic shame had enabled.

My vibration and low frequency would attract those people who reflected and mirrored my own beliefs, thinking, and feelings thereby causing outward drama, trauma, and destruction... of course I would blame it all on others ...

I had no clue people outwardly treated me as i was inwardly believing and unconsciously thinking about and treating my own self ... hating my own being and ashamed of who I was

Now I am awake and aware that what I believe about myself is now drawing those who reflect healthy, positive self-love back to me because I am learning to love, value, respect, accept and quickly forgive myself

Learning to love myself like God loves me is an ongoing progressive journey ... He gives me the love He has for me so I can love me His way

Its crazy awesome wonderful but now I can love, accept, and forgive others way easier and life just gets better and sweeter with each passing day

Love is always a choice ... choose to love yourself today because you deserve it. If you are struggling then ask God to help you, He will

He loves you to infinity and beyond and He wants you to love you too ... Ask Him!!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Co-creating together with God: I Am a mother

Happy Mother's Day .... you are an amazing woman ~ Cheers!

I am extremely blessed to be the mother of four beautiful, amazingly brilliant, and gloriously gifted children.

My first-born was an answer to my selfish prayers: a son. I knew that I was not ready for daughters and I didn't know that I would ever be ready to welcome daughters at that point in my life. God graciously answered and granted me the desire of my heart.

I don't know how to express the depth and magnitude of love one can have for a life that has been carried for nearly ten months within your own body, but it is indescribably glorious! To have had this experience not once, but four times and it has been humbling, to say the least.

When I had my first daughter, I knew that boy or girl no longer mattered ... maybe it never did, because it became about life and the gender that life took was in God's hands ultimately, not mine. It required two, becoming one and from that union, life was!

This morning, as I work through a night shift, I find myself eternally, blissfully, grateful for these four gifts from God, which He allowed me to co-create with and the one I loved, as one made in His divine image. I give utmost thanks and gratitude for these precious lives who are destined to change the world one person at a time, beginning with themselves.

They are miraculously, imperfectly perfect to me in ways no other could possibly know. I stand in awe of each one; their personalities, destinies, gifting's, talents, skills, abilities, and capacity to love so deep and intensely. I know I did four things very right in my life, if nothing else.

Thank you Creator ... for four very distinct and unique gifts from You. I remain, humbled and grateful to infinity and beyond !! To my children: word will never be able to express how deeply and completely I love and care for you ... even though you have 'cut the apron strings' and 'flown the nest', I always determined to raise you to leave home successfully.  That is precisely what you have done.

I place my hands together before my heart and I bow low:  Namaste.

Its all about ∞ L.O.V.E ∞ the most excellent way

 To infinity and beyond 

I once had a dream ... I was standing in what looked like 'outer-space' and I had these number "8"s dancing all around me ... I mean, they were a dancin' and a rockin' out!  Then, all of  sudden, the stopped ... and immediately shot straight up in the air to about eye level and I heard them all say 'WEEEEEEEEeeee' and then they fell to their side in the sign of infinity and were linked up and circling me.  The dream ended. 

I have a great love for the number "8" ... ח

Jesus' number is "8 8 8", while man's number is "6 6 6".

Eight is the number of 'covenant' and is signified in the Torah, which is the Old Testament Law, by the act of circumcision, which occurred on the 8th day of a new born baby boy's life. It was also the same language used when God set the rainbow in the heaven's as a promise He would never again destroy the earth by flood waters. (Genesis 17:10). 

This verse in Genesis, "sums to the number 800 which is also the value of the Greek words "Lord" and "faith" as well as the value of the final letter of the Greek alphabet "Omega". It is said that this is the essence of faith - trusting in the Lord who will see us through to the very end, it lifts us above our present state to behold our Shepherd who is Lord of all".

Romans 2:28 states: For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men but of God".

In Colossians 2:11 it reads:  "In whom also you are circumcised  with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ; Buried with Him in baptism, wherein you also are raised with him through the faith in the operation of God, who has raised him from the dead. And you, being dead in your sins and the un-circumcision of your flesh, has he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of our way, nailing it to the cross".

In the New Testament, the sign of covenant is in Baptism .. "buried with him in baptism into his death"

Reading more about Noah's Ark and how "8" souls were saved (I Peter 3:18

In view of the Resurrection, John 20:24

At the level of Divinity, the number eight 
alludes to the absolute Infinity of G-d. ...

Whereas at the level of Souls, circumcision gives one the power to overcome obstacles, at this level of awareness G-d's true Infinity links one, in covenant, to His very Essence.

When linked to Infinity, overcoming obstacles, even death, the secret of resurrection, becomes self-evident and "second nature." 

When absolutely connected to the Infinite One, there can in truth be no obstacle.


The Eighth Day is the first day of the new week, precisely as the Octave is the Eight Note that begins the musical cycle anew on a higher level.
standing wave

The Octave 

[Information & quotes in this blog are from this site:  &  Historical Archives of the Biblical Wheel Site]