Sunday, May 11, 2014

Its all about ∞ L.O.V.E ∞ the most excellent way

 To infinity and beyond 

I once had a dream ... I was standing in what looked like 'outer-space' and I had these number "8"s dancing all around me ... I mean, they were a dancin' and a rockin' out!  Then, all of  sudden, the stopped ... and immediately shot straight up in the air to about eye level and I heard them all say 'WEEEEEEEEeeee' and then they fell to their side in the sign of infinity and were linked up and circling me.  The dream ended. 

I have a great love for the number "8" ... ח

Jesus' number is "8 8 8", while man's number is "6 6 6".

Eight is the number of 'covenant' and is signified in the Torah, which is the Old Testament Law, by the act of circumcision, which occurred on the 8th day of a new born baby boy's life. It was also the same language used when God set the rainbow in the heaven's as a promise He would never again destroy the earth by flood waters. (Genesis 17:10). 

This verse in Genesis, "sums to the number 800 which is also the value of the Greek words "Lord" and "faith" as well as the value of the final letter of the Greek alphabet "Omega". It is said that this is the essence of faith - trusting in the Lord who will see us through to the very end, it lifts us above our present state to behold our Shepherd who is Lord of all".

Romans 2:28 states: For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men but of God".

In Colossians 2:11 it reads:  "In whom also you are circumcised  with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ; Buried with Him in baptism, wherein you also are raised with him through the faith in the operation of God, who has raised him from the dead. And you, being dead in your sins and the un-circumcision of your flesh, has he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of our way, nailing it to the cross".

In the New Testament, the sign of covenant is in Baptism .. "buried with him in baptism into his death"

Reading more about Noah's Ark and how "8" souls were saved (I Peter 3:18

In view of the Resurrection, John 20:24

At the level of Divinity, the number eight 
alludes to the absolute Infinity of G-d. ...

Whereas at the level of Souls, circumcision gives one the power to overcome obstacles, at this level of awareness G-d's true Infinity links one, in covenant, to His very Essence.

When linked to Infinity, overcoming obstacles, even death, the secret of resurrection, becomes self-evident and "second nature." 

When absolutely connected to the Infinite One, there can in truth be no obstacle.


The Eighth Day is the first day of the new week, precisely as the Octave is the Eight Note that begins the musical cycle anew on a higher level.
standing wave

The Octave 

[Information & quotes in this blog are from this site:  &  Historical Archives of the Biblical Wheel Site]

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