Sunday, May 11, 2014

Co-creating together with God: I Am a mother

Happy Mother's Day .... you are an amazing woman ~ Cheers!

I am extremely blessed to be the mother of four beautiful, amazingly brilliant, and gloriously gifted children.

My first-born was an answer to my selfish prayers: a son. I knew that I was not ready for daughters and I didn't know that I would ever be ready to welcome daughters at that point in my life. God graciously answered and granted me the desire of my heart.

I don't know how to express the depth and magnitude of love one can have for a life that has been carried for nearly ten months within your own body, but it is indescribably glorious! To have had this experience not once, but four times and it has been humbling, to say the least.

When I had my first daughter, I knew that boy or girl no longer mattered ... maybe it never did, because it became about life and the gender that life took was in God's hands ultimately, not mine. It required two, becoming one and from that union, life was!

This morning, as I work through a night shift, I find myself eternally, blissfully, grateful for these four gifts from God, which He allowed me to co-create with and the one I loved, as one made in His divine image. I give utmost thanks and gratitude for these precious lives who are destined to change the world one person at a time, beginning with themselves.

They are miraculously, imperfectly perfect to me in ways no other could possibly know. I stand in awe of each one; their personalities, destinies, gifting's, talents, skills, abilities, and capacity to love so deep and intensely. I know I did four things very right in my life, if nothing else.

Thank you Creator ... for four very distinct and unique gifts from You. I remain, humbled and grateful to infinity and beyond !! To my children: word will never be able to express how deeply and completely I love and care for you ... even though you have 'cut the apron strings' and 'flown the nest', I always determined to raise you to leave home successfully.  That is precisely what you have done.

I place my hands together before my heart and I bow low:  Namaste.

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