Sunday, May 18, 2014

In my 'sacred place' I am privileged to sit in some of the most spectacularly beautiful nature ... the smells are alive, the air is fresh and clean, the view is breath-taking, I hear the singing of many birds as the wind kisses my cheeks with intimate love .....

I sit upon my rock and cross my legs and position myself to BE present in my moment where sacred divine and sacred human meet and are One in a way most probably cannot comprehend ...

I hear the still, small voice of my Creator validating, affirming, and celebrating me within my 'jar of clay' ... I hear intimately delicious secrets whispered deep within my soul from the Source of truest Love, which is the most excellent way ... I giggle with childhood glee and inner joy that I am loved so beyond comprehension as I AM ...

In this place of absolute serenity and abandonment of all that is of this realm and dimension, I find my truest, authentic and genuine ME ... I am open and laid bare, not wishing to disguise myself with cloaks of insecurity and shame ... fully open to knowing that HERE and NOW, My Creator became personally Human in the jar of clay known as Yeshua ...

And this Divine Human demonstrated personally the innately revealing express Image of our Creator Papa God ... who became LIKE us because He wanted us to know we are LIKE HIM in all realms and dimensions of being... we are humbly elevated Beings who are co-laborers, co-reigners, co-creators, and co-heirs together with Christ, the sum of ALL spiritual things - seen and unseen, visible and invisible ...

In HIM we each live, move, and have our Being and He holds us together by His Word in which He spoke LET IT BE ... and IT WAS; we were, we are, we will always BE and ever so delicately formed and fashioned together in our mother's wombs to emerge our divinely inspired, brilliantly enabled, amazingly perfectly IMPERFECT you .... and me, in whom resides ALL of His eternal, immortal, never-ending Kingdom come and will be done just as it IS in heaven ....

To sit in this place of sacred Being ... to feel the sun warm me from head to toe; to be nurtured and wrapped in an invisible Presence Who is Creator Papa God .... is intensely indescribable with earthly words ...

I wish and hope above all things that you each will be blessed with the honor and privilege to enter in to your own sacred place of Being with the One whom your heart is wired to love so intimately ... because within THIS place, you will find that you are loved beyond your deepest hopes and wildest dreams ... in THIS place you will know exactly Who you are and why you are here ... in THIS place, there is no fear for this is Perfect Love which casts OUT ALL fear, which is the greatest LIE to detract from Being...

And in this place of utmost profound Being, you will come to know that in HIM you live, and move, and have your Being such as you could never know elsewhere ... while being in a sacred place facilitates the experience of such wonderful Being, you can find this place anywhere, and any time if you will only consider the possibility and probability that THIS exists...

In THIS place you are loved so you become love and from THIS place of Being and Becoming authentically, divinely YOU ... you go forth changed in the deep calling out to deep within the roar of your waterfalls and all of His waves washing over you ...

I DARE you to desire to enter in to this place of eternal otherly reality ... for just because you choose not to believe does not negate the factual truth that THIS place of Being exists ... it is your believing that opens the door to possibility or closes and nails it shut .... please, oh please do not nail it shut ......

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