Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Progression of Change

I remember the first time I read Portia Nelson's prose above ..... It revolutionalized my life and caused me to understand some very important truths about the progression of change .....

Each of us have choices that we have made and will make in each moment ..... as oppositional as this may seem, we are no longer 'victims' void of power;

We are empowered as 'volunteers' ..... only, we're so unconscious in our individual lives that we fail to realize that our Creator has granted us co-creator abilities to align our lives according to a divinely ordained plan of the best possible *G O O D* we can choose to imagine .....

This is exactly what I need to do:  *S T O P* choosing to believe the old stories from the past that no longer exists but continues to re-play over and over and over and over in my soul .....  What about you?  Is this true for you?

I have been learning that our minds are like computers. While in utero, we begin recording the environment, perceptions, and experiences that our mother is having  [see "Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D] ..... We have no 'words' for what we are recording, our brain is simply in record mode ..... and this continues up until we are about 7 years old.  We each "need" an operating system for our existence ..... and we obtain this through our well-meaning mother, father, aunts, uncles, grandparents, care-givers, and others who teach us, instruct us, indoctrinate, program, and condition us as to what we are to believe in order to navigate and fulfill our Creator designed purpose and destiny .....

Our words and more so, what we think are *P O W E R F U L*!  I have been learning that when I speak out what I think I am speaking what I believe .....  sometimes I don't even realize I believe what I believe because I have been so unconsciously unaware. 

So much of my recovery has been trying to unearth my beliefs so I can consciously decide if I want to embrace that belief as my own ..... and sadly, many of those beliefs were 'passed down' to me from my early child-hood family of origin .....

I desire to be divinely aligned: spirit, soul, and body .... and prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers because I have worked on healing the wounds and holes in my soul .....

This year ..... there is great hope and possibility for creating my very best life ....  I am choosing to 

How about YOU ??

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