Thursday, January 5, 2017

Our Past has Purpose


Given that it is a 'new year' I am focusing my life upon what is new ..... and releasing what is 'old' and what is past ..... Mostly what I am sharing is just where I am in my journey and what I have learned, and possibly ..... some, most, or none of what I share might resonate to some degree with you ....

It has taken me [far too] many years to realize and understand that my past and every situation in my past  ..... has been a gift to me. [Yes,  you read that correctly.]  My past, despite the beliefs and perceptions I held concerning them,  has really been a gift to myself from my Creator.

The good, the bad, and the down-right ugly ..... has all been purposeful in training me for reigning in THIS life now ..... and to say that "I wish" that I had realized and understood this far sooner in my life, would be an understatement  ..... but I truly did not comprehend.

I spent so many years hating and resenting my life and especially, resenting my past.  I was grumpy and upset and angry ..... mostly at Creator ..... and next with myself.   Can you in any way relate?

Early on in my life, I happened to be a 'world class'  blame shifter ..... it was always every one elses' fault; I was SO unaware and incapable of realizing that I had a part in every situation that ocurred in my life.  I lived as a 'victim' continuously ..... never fully comprehending and understanding that "every where I go, there I AM" !!  No matter how hard I tried to work things out, they would implode and beginnings soon became painful endings.f

I spent most of my life trying to be good and do good;  trying to perform and be what I thought everyone else wanted and needed. The harder I tried, the less I seemed to succeed. 

I was a very 'religious' person for along season in my life ..... very accusatory, extremely judgmental, and very condemning.  OH! the damage I did to people I loved and cared for!  So very self-righteous, pride-filled, haughty, arrogant ..... what a hypocrite I became "in Jesus' Name"!  Yet I truly "knew not what I was doing"!

As my life progressed ..... s-l-o-w-l-y I began to 'wake up' .....  s-l-o-w-l-y  I began to become aware .....  and ever so incredibly s-l-o-w-l-y I began to see that many things needed to *C H A N G E* .....

**I T * B E C A M E * T I M E**

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