Monday, February 24, 2020

New Beginnings

I believe we have entered into a "new era" ..... it is a season of forgetting the former things of old because Creator is doing a "new thing" 

No longer is it business as usual .... 
no longer will the things that worked in the former days, years, and decades continue to work in this new day .... just like old wineskins cannot hold the "new wine" ... 

The vast majority of  old wineskins have become too rigid, dry, wrinkled, weak, and brittle ... having lost their ability to be supple, pliable, able to stretch, improvise, and adapt as is necessary ..... 

So pouring in new wine, which is so crisp, fresh, potent, and teaming with effervescent life ..... will, in most all instances, overly challenge and compromise an old wineskin to the degree that it proves itself incapable of being adequate to hold and to store ... therefore the destruction that ensues is  such that the new wine explodes and bursts forth causing precious wine to be wasted ....


Its time to "Let Go" and add a " D "

People struggle with the concept of "letting go"
because fear 
has been programmed into every single one of us and  through our D N A since Adam ....
it has a strangle hold upon us
and in such a way that we can't even recognize that it is  F E A R .......

I am two months into 2020 and my vision is enlarging and expanding ....
What about your's .....

Time to re-activate A.L.L. things possible

I most definitely BElieve 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Why "Now" ?

One of the most astounding revelations I had when I began my recovery journey, was reading a book written by Eckhart Tolle called "The Power of Now".

I had never before thought about living in the now present moment such the way he described.  In fact, until I read his book and was really confronted with the premise of living fully present in the moment that you are in, I had no clue that I was NOT doing that.

After reading that book, I suddenly realized that I was never living the NOW but was mostly living in the past or in the future .... I began to understand most of my thinking was in the past, re-living the memories of the past as if they were present ..... or livin in the future, full of fear and anxiety as I contemplated "what would I do if ..... happened"!

Seldom was I able, but for a few minutes maybe, to live completely in the current NOW moment!

I had to come to terms with the truth that I have wasted much of my life by not being present ....

I was always stuck re-living past trauma drama ..... or trying to second-guess the future to avoid any additional trauma drama. When I 'woke up' to the only truth there is ..... that NOW is all I have been given, de-programming was a struggle.

Becoming awake and aware, not meant that I was responsibile to change what always had been for what needed to be. To say being NOW present is easy, is not true ..... it IS worth it, but it is not easy. Yet I began to understand that, to be empowered to live my best life, then I needed to do all that I could to learn and then choose to stay in the present moment. 

Really ......

Consider contemplating and meditating on what it may mean to become present in the now ..... to feel everything now .... to smell the smells; to taste the tastes; to hear the sounds around you; to touch what is; and to see what is before and around you .....

If you would like to try a video on mindfulness and being present in the now, click here .... simply follow along with the video and see what it feels like for you.

If you've never experienced being NOW present, the world changes dramatically when you do. Yet it takes practice to master, because our programming goes so deep.  It is worth the effort, that is for sure.  

*L e t s * d o * t h i s * * * * S h a l l * w e*

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Our Past has Purpose


Given that it is a 'new year' I am focusing my life upon what is new ..... and releasing what is 'old' and what is past ..... Mostly what I am sharing is just where I am in my journey and what I have learned, and possibly ..... some, most, or none of what I share might resonate to some degree with you ....

It has taken me [far too] many years to realize and understand that my past and every situation in my past  ..... has been a gift to me. [Yes,  you read that correctly.]  My past, despite the beliefs and perceptions I held concerning them,  has really been a gift to myself from my Creator.

The good, the bad, and the down-right ugly ..... has all been purposeful in training me for reigning in THIS life now ..... and to say that "I wish" that I had realized and understood this far sooner in my life, would be an understatement  ..... but I truly did not comprehend.

I spent so many years hating and resenting my life and especially, resenting my past.  I was grumpy and upset and angry ..... mostly at Creator ..... and next with myself.   Can you in any way relate?

Early on in my life, I happened to be a 'world class'  blame shifter ..... it was always every one elses' fault; I was SO unaware and incapable of realizing that I had a part in every situation that ocurred in my life.  I lived as a 'victim' continuously ..... never fully comprehending and understanding that "every where I go, there I AM" !!  No matter how hard I tried to work things out, they would implode and beginnings soon became painful endings.f

I spent most of my life trying to be good and do good;  trying to perform and be what I thought everyone else wanted and needed. The harder I tried, the less I seemed to succeed. 

I was a very 'religious' person for along season in my life ..... very accusatory, extremely judgmental, and very condemning.  OH! the damage I did to people I loved and cared for!  So very self-righteous, pride-filled, haughty, arrogant ..... what a hypocrite I became "in Jesus' Name"!  Yet I truly "knew not what I was doing"!

As my life progressed ..... s-l-o-w-l-y I began to 'wake up' .....  s-l-o-w-l-y  I began to become aware .....  and ever so incredibly s-l-o-w-l-y I began to see that many things needed to *C H A N G E* .....

**I T * B E C A M E * T I M E**

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

*~* 2 0 1 7 *~* A Word for the New Year

*~* 2 0 1 7 *~*

This is a year for 'Perfect Love' that casts out ALL fear to encounter whomsoever will choose to be open to receiving ....

*L O V E*  is the most excellent way and *L O V E*  is a Person who is Personal before it is ever just a 'force' to effect .... 

*L O V E*  is energy that matters ....
*L O V E*  is what we were hard-wired to BE however, fear is what we have ended up learning and embracing .....

*L O V E*  is not an 'abstract' philosophy preached with words.... 

*L O V E*  is a demonstrated empowerment with a divinely orchastrated origin that transacts beyond all created measures ..... and transforms and transmutes what is negatively rooted in FEAR.....

This year we each will be directly confronted by *L O V E*

We will be asked to choose to *L O V E* our own selves in the same manner and ability as our Infinite Creator loves us.... 

We can only *L O V E*  others to the degree that we truly
*L O V E* our own selves anyway .... and 

*L O V E*
  must be received and accepted by choice and with intention .....

It is our own choice to ACCEPT or REJECT True *L O V E*.... and we alone will reap the consequences of our choice quickly as the illusion of time moves forward .....

NOW there remains: faith, hope, and love ...... and the greatest of these is *L O V E* , the most excellent way!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Progression of Change

I remember the first time I read Portia Nelson's prose above ..... It revolutionalized my life and caused me to understand some very important truths about the progression of change .....

Each of us have choices that we have made and will make in each moment ..... as oppositional as this may seem, we are no longer 'victims' void of power;

We are empowered as 'volunteers' ..... only, we're so unconscious in our individual lives that we fail to realize that our Creator has granted us co-creator abilities to align our lives according to a divinely ordained plan of the best possible *G O O D* we can choose to imagine .....

This is exactly what I need to do:  *S T O P* choosing to believe the old stories from the past that no longer exists but continues to re-play over and over and over and over in my soul .....  What about you?  Is this true for you?

I have been learning that our minds are like computers. While in utero, we begin recording the environment, perceptions, and experiences that our mother is having  [see "Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D] ..... We have no 'words' for what we are recording, our brain is simply in record mode ..... and this continues up until we are about 7 years old.  We each "need" an operating system for our existence ..... and we obtain this through our well-meaning mother, father, aunts, uncles, grandparents, care-givers, and others who teach us, instruct us, indoctrinate, program, and condition us as to what we are to believe in order to navigate and fulfill our Creator designed purpose and destiny .....

Our words and more so, what we think are *P O W E R F U L*!  I have been learning that when I speak out what I think I am speaking what I believe .....  sometimes I don't even realize I believe what I believe because I have been so unconsciously unaware. 

So much of my recovery has been trying to unearth my beliefs so I can consciously decide if I want to embrace that belief as my own ..... and sadly, many of those beliefs were 'passed down' to me from my early child-hood family of origin .....

I desire to be divinely aligned: spirit, soul, and body .... and prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers because I have worked on healing the wounds and holes in my soul .....

This year ..... there is great hope and possibility for creating my very best life ....  I am choosing to 

How about YOU ??

Monday, January 2, 2017

Basic Truth = Profound BEing

This is truly absolute truth ..... *N O W* is all any of us have.....

Backstory:  Almost five years ago, I was brutally awakened and became astutely aware of the truth about my life ..... My relationship at that time had imploded literally overnight and I found that I had a very short amount of time to find a safe place to move to.   Of course, the timing for this life-changing event could not have been worse and yet I knew everything was exactly as it was meant to be.

A very dear friend was directed by Creator to offer me a place to stay, for which was profoundly grateful.  I found, applied for, and was provided a part-time weekend night shift position almost immediately, which would enable me to have income while continuing my full-time college classes; while I wanted to go right back to school, a 'glitch' provided me nearly five months off school that I utilized well by commiting to and working my own 'recovery' program. 

It was not recovery from illict drugs, alcohol, or any other socially detrimental substance or object .... 

it was recovery from being a socially-acceptable, perfectionistic people-pleaser
 who believed it was her job to carry the weight and fix the problems of the whole, wide, world !!

My journey in my recovery, to this day,  has been nothing short of amazingly miraculous!  I have changed ..... and in most profound ways ..... and while there are yet those individuals in my life who absolutely refuse to acknowledge these changes ..... I have come to accept that, for now, they cannot acknowledge change in me else they would need to consider change in and for themselves ..... 

I am well aware that ......

and sometimes the season for change is not *Y E T*

So .... the last thing I want to do is relapse back to the dysfunctional ways of people-pleasing and lose the ground I have gained through working my recovery program which has enabled me to begin to discover my real, true, authentic, and genuine ME .....

I no longer wish to live as I have been indoctrinated, programmed, and conditioned to BE .... I want to be fully present, awake, aware, and taking action as to how to best ascertain and apply much needed and necessary change for myself ..... 

I wish to live life based upon *M Y* personal choice and conviction ..... because in the end, I will stand alone and BE responsible before my Creator to give an accounting for all that I have said, done, and did.  Honestly .....

*N O  *  F E A R*

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year ...... One Day at a Time ....

As 2016 began to fade into the transition phase of 2017 .... I began to reflect over the past year at the challenges that were presented.....

I don't know about you, but the past 365 days were really tough, to say the least; and quite heart-breaking to say the most ..... The most painful issues involved relationships with other people ..... people we believed we were called to do community with, people that were part of our family, people who were long-time friends and new friends ..... it was a year of great growth in unlikely ways .....

Today is a significant day dedicated to 'starting over' and 'new beginnings' ..... I have chosen to relinquish everything from the past in order to walk into this year, with a clean slate and an empty pack.  I have hit the 

All things new ..... I am awakened this morning being reminded by Spirit, that my remedy is to accept forgiveness for my part in falling short and missing the mark of LOVE, the most excellent way .....

Reminding myself that there BUT FOR the grace of my Creator, will I or any one else on this globe, go forth, walk out, and walk through into what is new .....

Consider .......

Creator offers us ample opportunities to start over in each moment, every hour, and daily ..... Yet how many of us will 'fixate' on the past and wallow around in the cesspool of regret leading to self-punishment ?

Today ..... things must *S H I F T* and change must come to you and for you .....  but it most definitely will require a choice on your part .....

Consider encountering a Power greater than yourself ..... consider questioning all the beliefs you have ever believed ..... consider being transformed by renewing your mind ..... consider confronting the self-loathing and self-hatred you hold for yourself  you deny ..... is present ..... consider learning and choosing to love yourself .... consider the courage it takes to even contemplate loving yourself and ....

release .... release ..... release ..... release ..... release ..... release .....




*H A P P Y * N E W * L I F E*